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Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-18
Žinutės: 41
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#1901 2013-12-18 15:23

Re: PCT Preparatai

More from Nandi....


Before delving into this subject, I’d like to say first and foremost, that in users of anabolic /androgenic steroids (AAS) the first step in combating the development of gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, is to eliminate the causative agent: the anabolic steroid . Drug-induced gynecomastia almost invariably resolves on its own when a person quits taking the drugs responsible for it, if caught before permanent fibrosis develops. Unfortunately, most AAS users don’t want to employ this simple approach, for obvious reasons, so the foregoing will all be under the assumption that a person wants to prevent or treat gyno and still continue steroid use .

In the belief that certain anabolic steroids increase prolactin levels as well as act as agonists at the progesterone receptor, some have advocated the use of antiprolactin agents, like bromocriptine, or progesterone receptor blockers like RU-486 to treat AAS related gynecomastia, in lieu of more traditional drugs like tamoxifen .

In truth, the etiology of gynecomastia is unknown and a number of agents including estrogens, progestins, GH, IGF-1, and prolactin may be involved. However, most authorities believe that a decreased (T+DHT)/E ratio is central to the development of gyno, and that blocking the effects of estrogen, or increasing T + DHT levels, is central to ameliorating the problem.

Regarding prolactin, androgens decrease prolactin levels whereas estrogens increase prolactin. Non-aromatizing androgens have never been shown to elevate prolactin levels in humans, but testosterone has, due to its aromatization to estradiol (19). Prolactin secreting tumors, or prolactinomas, are often associated with gyno. But in these cases the prolactin is believed to induce gyno by suppressing testosterone production: “Prolactinomas that are sufficiently large to cause gynecomastia do so as a result of impairment of gonadotropin secretion and secondary hypogonadism”. (20). However, this is a moot issue in AAS users whose gonadotropin secretion is already blunted.

According to research cited in (20), prolactin may have a direct stimulatory effect on mammary tissue development, but only in the presence of high estrogen levels:

The presence of mild hyperprolactinaemia is therefore not uncommon in patients with estrogen excess. Significant primary hyperprolactinaemia, on the other hand, may directly stimulate epithelial cell proliferation in an estrogen-primed breast, causing epithelial cell proliferation and gynaecomastia.

So rather than focusing solely on lowering prolactin levels which may be elevated in users of aromatizing androgens, attacking estrogen should be the first line of action.

GH and IGF-1 are considered critical to the proliferation of mammary tissue. An excellent review of the role played by these hormones, as well as a general overview of gynecomastia can be found here:

Since elevated GH and IGF-1 are considered important to the anabolic effect of AAS, it would be impractical and counterproductive to attempt to prevent gynecomastia by blocking GH/IGF.

Progesterone acts in concert with estrogen to promote breast development, and at least part of any role played by synthetic progestins may be to stimulate IGF-1 production in the breast. But again, blocking the action of progesterone or synthetic progestins is not practical. Specific progesterone receptor antagonists like RU-486 block not only the progesterone receptor, but the androgen receptor as well, and have actually been associated with the development of gynecomastia (21). In any case, progesterone is thought to act on the breast to enhance the effects of estrogen (22) so once again, attacking estrogen is the easiest and most logical approach.

DHT gel (Andractim) or a generic knockoff might help as well. DHT is thought to act as an aromatase inhibitor (23) and perhaps compete directly with estrogen for binding at the estrogen receptor (24). DHT has been used in several case reports and controlled trials to successfully treat gynecomastia. So perhaps a viable strategy would be to combine DHT gel with tamoxifen. I would recommend tamoxifen rather than an aromatase inhibitor due to the simple fact that tamoxifen has been widely used in numerous controlled studies to succesfully treat gynecomastia, whereas the evidence to support the efficacy of aromatase inhibitors is scanty at best.


(1) Price TM, O'Brien SN, Welter BH, George R, Anandjiwala J, Kilgore M. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998 Jan;178(1 Pt 1):101-7

(2) Bjorntorp P. Hum Reprod 1997 Oct;12 Suppl 1:21-5

(3) Ramirez ME, McMurry MP, Wiebke GA, Felten KJ, Ren K, Meikle AW, Iverius PH Metabolism 1997 Feb;46(2):179-85

(4) Zmuda JM, Fahrenbach MC, Younkin BT, Bausserman LL, Terry RB, Catlin DH, Thompson PD. Metabolism 1993 Apr;42(4):446-50

(5) Tomita T, Yonekura I, Okada T, Hayashi E
Horm Metab Res 1984 Oct;16(10):525-8

(6) Mystkowski P, Seeley RJ, Hahn TM, Baskin DG, Havel PJ, Matsumoto AM, Wilkinson CW, Peacock-Kinzig K, Blake KA, Schwartz MW. J Neurosci 2000 Nov 15;20(22):8637-42

(7) Greer,M. N Engl J Med 244:385, 1951

(8) Vagenakis AG, Braverman LE, Azizi F, Portinay GI, Ingbar SH. N Engl J Med 1975 Oct 2;293(14):681-4

(9) Krugman LG, Hershman JM, Chopra IJ, Levine GA, Pekary E, Geffner DL, Chua Teco GN J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1975 Jul;41(1):70-80

(10) Liva SM, Voskuhl RR J Immunol 2001 Aug 15;167(4):2060-7

(11) Ulloa-Aguirre A, Blizzard RM, Garcia-Rubi E, Rogol AD, Link K, Christie CM, Johnson ML, Veldhuis J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1990 Oct;71(4):846-54

(12) Hochman IH, Laron Z Horm Metab Res 1970 Sep;2(5):260-4
(13) Steinetz BG, Giannina T, Butler M, Popick F
Endocrinology 1972 May;90(5):1396-8

(14) Ferrando AA, Sheffield-Moore M, Yeckel CW, Gilkison C, Jiang J, Achacosa A, Lieberman SA, Tipton K, Wolfe RR, Urban RJ.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002 Mar;282(3):E601-7

(15) Sheffield-Moore M, Urban RJ, Wolf SE, Jiang J, Catlin DH, Herndon DN, Wolfe RR,
Ferrando AA
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999 Aug;84(8):2705-11

(16) Doumit ME, Cook DR, Merkel RA..Endocrinology 1996 Apr;137(4):1385-94

(17) Bricout VA, Germain PS, Serrurier BD, Guezennec CY.Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 1994 May;40(3):291-4

(18) Ferrando AA, Sheffield-Moore M, Yeckel CW, Gilkison C, Jiang J, Achacosa A, Lieberman SA, Tipton K, Wolfe RR, Urban RJ.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002 Mar;282(3):E601-7

(19) Nicoletti I, Filipponi P, Fedeli L, Ambrosi F, Gregorini G, Santeusanio F
Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1984 Feb;105(2):167-72

(20) Ismail AA, Barth JH.Ann Clin Biochem 2001 Nov;38(Pt 6):596-607

(21) Grunberg SM, Weiss MH, Spitz IM, Ahmadi J, Sadun A, Russell CA, Lucci L, Stevenson LL J Neurosurg 1991 Jun;74(6):861-6

(22) Nomura K, Suzuki H, Saji M, Horiba N, Ujihara M, Tsushima T, Demura H, Shizume K
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1988 Jan;66(1):230-2

(23) Perel E, Stolee KH, Kharlip L, Blackstein ME, Killinger DW
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1984 Mar;58(3):467-72

(24) Casey RW, Wilson JD.
J Clin Invest 1984 Dec;74(6):2272-8

I've highlighted some parts in bold for those of you who have trouble reading several paragraphs

Paskutinį kartą taisė MISTER-X (2013-12-18 15:56)


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-18
Žinutės: 41
Atsiliepimai: 0

#1902 2013-12-18 16:07

Re: PCT Preparatai

In any case, progesterone is thought to act on the breast to enhance the effects of estrogen (22) so once again, attacking estrogen is the easiest and most logical approach.


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: UK
Registravosi: 2009-03-11
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Atsiliepimai: 8

#1903 2013-12-18 16:56

Re: PCT Preparatai

MISTER-X rašė:

nieko blatno nesugalvojau startas su propu  enantatu susta propa 3 savaites deka nuo pradziu dvigubai 3 ir savaite kaskur ir pasilieka deka susta enantatas poto prijungiu bolda deka nuimdamas ir paleisiu trena prie boldos. savokas zinau zinau kad ir nejuokas . bet paskykit ar reik ai tokio kaip provirono ar tomoxifen  kurso metu su hcg

nesamone kursas.kam imi propa test e ir dar susta?po to laikai E ir susta?
boldos ilgai lauksi kol pajusi-tai ja pries trena kokias bent 4 saw


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1904 2013-12-18 17:07

Re: PCT Preparatai

HRS rašė:

MISTER-X rašė:

nieko blatno nesugalvojau startas su propu  enantatu susta propa 3 savaites deka nuo pradziu dvigubai 3 ir savaite kaskur ir pasilieka deka susta enantatas poto prijungiu bolda deka nuimdamas ir paleisiu trena prie boldos. savokas zinau zinau kad ir nejuokas . bet paskykit ar reik ai tokio kaip provirono ar tomoxifen  kurso metu su hcg

nesamone kursas.kam imi propa test e ir dar susta?po to laikai E ir susta?
boldos ilgai lauksi kol pajusi-tai ja pries trena kokias bent 4 saw

Propas front loadas, kol TEst E koncentracija pasieks. Geras dalykas.


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2011-12-18
Žinutės: 12846
Atsiliepimai: 34

#1905 2013-12-18 17:08

Re: PCT Preparatai

ne ne, HRS sako kas per nesamone ir susta ir enantata laikyt vienu metu. del frontloado tai aisku viskas ok.


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1906 2013-12-18 17:09

Re: PCT Preparatai

Zmogaus aplamai visas kursas kosmosas, bereikalo cia sau nervus gadintis, greiciausiai jau susipirkes ir vistiek neperkalbesi tu jo smile


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-18
Žinutės: 41
Atsiliepimai: 0

#1907 2013-12-18 17:11

Re: PCT Preparatai

viskas cia gerai laikau e ir susta propas startui  deka ir ilgai lauki bet kik starta darai su dviguba doze  tai pat ir su bolda bus cia  apie viska pagalvoju . smulkmenos nesurasitos tik nenoriu issipliesti . ir seip galvoju  gal isvis palikt ta deka ir bolda kai trena dajunginesiu


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1908 2013-12-18 17:14

Re: PCT Preparatai

Butum apgalvojes smulkmenas, net nekiltu tokiu klausimu pas tave.


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2011-12-18
Žinutės: 12846
Atsiliepimai: 34

#1909 2013-12-18 17:16

Re: PCT Preparatai

nu jo cia jau zopa siaip jau is rasymo stiliaus jau galima atspet.


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1910 2013-12-18 17:18

Re: PCT Preparatai

Ir lenkai "zmones" smile

Paskutinį kartą taisė P0werman (2013-12-18 17:19)


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1911 2013-12-18 17:18

Re: PCT Preparatai


Paskutinį kartą taisė P0werman (2013-12-18 17:18)


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-18
Žinutės: 41
Atsiliepimai: 0

#1912 2013-12-18 17:21

Re: PCT Preparatai

cia mano pamastimai tik. bet zinau kad tam nepritarsit smile


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1913 2013-12-18 17:24

Re: PCT Preparatai

Cia ne is principo nepritaria tau, o i lankas su tokiu kursu nuvares kaip turi buti.


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-18
Žinutės: 41
Atsiliepimai: 0

#1914 2013-12-18 17:26

Re: PCT Preparatai

kas blogai ir kur ?


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1915 2013-12-18 17:33

Re: PCT Preparatai

Dekos 2x uzkrovimai utiutiu nereikalingi. Test E ir Susta kartu? Pasalinius smagius ir svorio sokinejima turesi, nuo testo lygio sokinejimo. 8 men kursas? Po kurso duok dieve 30-40% islaikysi su adekvaciu recovery jei netiltuosi.

Dar dozes idomu butu pamatyti ir pacio duomenis


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-10-14
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#1916 2013-12-18 19:13

Re: PCT Preparatai

P0werman rašė:

Dekos 2x uzkrovimai utiutiu nereikalingi. Test E ir Susta kartu? Pasalinius smagius ir svorio sokinejima turesi, nuo testo lygio sokinejimo. 8 men kursas? Po kurso duok dieve 30-40% islaikysi su adekvaciu recovery jei netiltuosi.

Dar dozes idomu butu pamatyti ir pacio duomenis

Kas per sokinejimai jam bus nuo sustos ir enanthato? smile Del ko?


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-10-14
Žinutės: 7048
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 9

#1917 2013-12-18 19:20

Re: PCT Preparatai

P0werman rašė:

HRS rašė:

MISTER-X rašė:

nieko blatno nesugalvojau startas su propu  enantatu susta propa 3 savaites deka nuo pradziu dvigubai 3 ir savaite kaskur ir pasilieka deka susta enantatas poto prijungiu bolda deka nuimdamas ir paleisiu trena prie boldos. savokas zinau zinau kad ir nejuokas . bet paskykit ar reik ai tokio kaip provirono ar tomoxifen  kurso metu su hcg

nesamone kursas.kam imi propa test e ir dar susta?po to laikai E ir susta?
boldos ilgai lauksi kol pajusi-tai ja pries trena kokias bent 4 saw

Propas front loadas, kol TEst E koncentracija pasieks. Geras dalykas.

Nera to, ka cia sakai smile Enanthatas po 48val jau pike yra. Cia sena per visur paskleista nesamone. Enanthatas ISEINA per 3sav, o pasiekia pika per 48val. Tas pats ir su deca. Jeigu to neatsitinka - sudina padielka varot big_smile


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#1918 2013-12-18 19:32

Re: PCT Preparatai

Aina naaaa...  Kol atsistatysi po 9men kurso tai nuprotesi big_smile


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1919 2013-12-18 21:37

Re: PCT Preparatai

whatever rašė:

P0werman rašė:

HRS rašė:

nesamone kursas.kam imi propa test e ir dar susta?po to laikai E ir susta?
boldos ilgai lauksi kol pajusi-tai ja pries trena kokias bent 4 saw

Propas front loadas, kol TEst E koncentracija pasieks. Geras dalykas.

Nera to, ka cia sakai smile Enanthatas po 48val jau pike yra. Cia sena per visur paskleista nesamone. Enanthatas ISEINA per 3sav, o pasiekia pika per 48val. Tas pats ir su deca. Jeigu to neatsitinka - sudina padielka varot big_smile

O kaip del half lifes? Esteriai tam ir lipinami

Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days

Enanthate: Chemical Structure C7H14O2.
Also referred to as heptanoic acid; enanthic acid; enanthylic acid; heptylic acid; heptoic acid; Oenanthylic acid; Oenanthic acid. Enanthate is one of the most prominent esters used in steroid manufacture (most commonly seen with testosterone but is also used in other compounds like Primobolan Depot). Enanthate will release a steady (yet fluctuating as all esters are) level of hormone for approximately 10-14 days. Although in medicine enanthate compounds are often injected on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, athletes will inject at least weekly to help maintain a uniform blood level.


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#1920 2013-12-18 21:39

Re: PCT Preparatai

Jonn rašė:

Aina naaaa...  Kol atsistatysi po 9men kurso tai nuprotesi big_smile

Niekas neliepia 9 men atsistatinet smile jeigu protingai, tai po 2 men good to go. Bet palikt galima ta, kas gyvent nori is sito sporto smile


Dažnas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2011-03-09
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#1921 2013-12-18 22:45

Re: PCT Preparatai

Sveiki. buvo daryta susta 6sav i sav po 250 ir metanas simboliskai, dabar atsistatymas bus su tamoxa ir tribusteron 90, kurio stiprumas 645mg, nes nebebuvo galimybiu gauti nei clomid nei nolvadex ar proviron. Kiek man reiktu i diena sauti to tribuluso?


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2013-11-18
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#1922 2013-12-18 23:09

Re: PCT Preparatai

buda rašė:

Sveiki. buvo daryta susta 6sav i sav po 250 ir metanas simboliskai, dabar atsistatymas bus su tamoxa ir tribusteron 90, kurio stiprumas 645mg, nes nebebuvo galimybiu gauti nei clomid nei nolvadex ar proviron. Kiek man reiktu i diena sauti to tribuluso?



Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: UK
Registravosi: 2007-03-09
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#1923 2013-12-18 23:09

Re: PCT Preparatai

buda rašė:

Sveiki. buvo daryta susta 6sav i sav po 250 ir metanas simboliskai, dabar atsistatymas bus su tamoxa ir tribusteron 90, kurio stiprumas 645mg, nes nebebuvo galimybiu gauti nei clomid nei nolvadex ar proviron. Kiek man reiktu i diena sauti to tribuluso?

ne zoleles vartojai tai ir ne zolelem atsistatinet reik


Dažnas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2011-03-09
Žinutės: 235
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#1924 2013-12-18 23:13

Re: PCT Preparatai

Kitaip nesigavo, pastais zaist nenoriu


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2013-11-18
Žinutės: 1677
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#1925 2013-12-18 23:13

Re: PCT Preparatai

buda rašė:

Kitaip nesigavo, pastais zaist nenoriu

Gal busi malonus ir paaiskinsi kuom skirias tamox nuo nolvos?



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