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#2426 2014-06-05 22:57

Re: PCT Preparatai

Arturas 28 rašė:

Sveiki,turiu klausimeli vartojau propa su prima 12sav ir vini pries gala pajungiau . PCT dariau clomid pirma sav.po 100mged po to po 50mged +tamox 20mged ir hcg 10000iu per sesis kartus su soviau.Taip pat tribulai,daa ir zma. Po 4 sav atrode viskas gerai o veliau pradejo blogeti cia apie lovos reikalus dabar eina 7 sav.pct ir jokio gerejimo. Ka blogai darau ar cia normalu

Darykis tyrimus ir ziurekis ka rodo .


Arturas 28
Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-11-25
Žinutės: 12
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2427 2014-06-05 23:11

Re: PCT Preparatai

Susta rašė:

Arturas 28 rašė:

Sveiki,turiu klausimeli vartojau propa su prima 12sav ir vini pries gala pajungiau . PCT dariau clomid pirma sav.po 100mged po to po 50mged +tamox 20mged ir hcg 10000iu per sesis kartus su soviau.Taip pat tribulai,daa ir zma. Po 4 sav atrode viskas gerai o veliau pradejo blogeti cia apie lovos reikalus dabar eina 7 sav.pct ir jokio gerejimo. Ka blogai darau ar cia normalu

Darykis tyrimus ir ziurekis ka rodo .

Tyrimus galesiu pasidaryti tik uz 4 sav. dabar neiseina


azuolyno bicas
Varžybų dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 3111
Atsiliepimai: 23

#2428 2014-06-06 00:10

Re: PCT Preparatai

Nestovi, ar neisshasuna?


Arturas 28
Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-11-25
Žinutės: 12
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2429 2014-06-06 07:26

Re: PCT Preparatai

azuolyno bicas rašė:

Nestovi, ar neisshasuna?



azuolyno bicas
Varžybų dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 3111
Atsiliepimai: 23

#2430 2014-06-06 07:57

Re: PCT Preparatai

Clomida isimk, tik nolva sav gali laikyt.. Hcg nebereik..
Po 20mg.. Bei vit e, vit d, daa, zma.. Blogiausiu atveju mt2


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#2431 2014-06-06 11:45

Re: PCT Preparatai

Darykis tyrimus, ar nebusi su HCG tokiom dozuotem prisizaides.


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#2432 2014-06-06 20:11

Re: PCT Preparatai

10000iu per du kart buvau susisoves, 5 men tarpe kazkur. Tai po antro visiskai atsistates ir pagerejas jauciuosi nei pries pati kursa.

Paskutinį kartą taisė Jonn (2014-06-06 20:12)


azuolyno bicas
Varžybų dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 3111
Atsiliepimai: 23

#2433 2014-06-06 20:20

Re: PCT Preparatai

2 pakeliai po 5000iu nera daug, jei kurso metu nebuvo laikoma hcg, tai geriausia keletas didesniu hcg doziu.. bet ilgai hcg nereiketu laikyt, nes va tada galma prisizaist.. siaip va po 18 men, shaudau ir stovi, net paciam keista..


azuolyno bicas
Varžybų dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 3111
Atsiliepimai: 23

#2434 2014-06-06 20:21

Re: PCT Preparatai

juo labiau kad, hcg degraduoja kai jau sumaisius su vandeniu nebent tas vanduo bac water. tad geriausia kalt kas 4 dienas kazkur, nes hcg 3 dienas laikosi organizme, tai yra mano taktika, ir ja visad naudoju smile


Registravosi: 2012-12-05
Žinutės: 2775
Atsiliepimai: 29

#2435 2014-06-06 20:33

Re: PCT Preparatai

Rases buvau ne karta del protokolu,du suviai po 1000 E3d, tada 500 E3d kol pabaigi 5000 IU. Nezinau kiek turi atsedejes buti, kad neuztektu tiek. Po 7 men chem, pilnai atsistate zmogui su tokiu protokolu.

Kitas atvejis, kelis kursus turejes zmogus su prastu PCT, rezultate vaiku negalejo susilaukt, proper PCT su tokiu pat HCG dozavimu ir turi vaika jau smile

Cia jeigu 10.000 iu per 2 kart sukale, rizikuoja Leydigo lasteliu desintezacija padaryt, kas reiskia - no test, no hard on.

Paskutinį kartą taisė Powerbuilder (2014-06-06 20:34)


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-16
Žinutės: 4833
Atsiliepimai: 30

#2436 2014-06-06 23:03

Re: PCT Preparatai

draugelis mano kazkodel mete trt pries 3 men nors ant jo jautesi super,tada kale 15.000iu hcg per 9 kart pasijaute gerai po paskutinio suvio praejo savaite. testas buvo 22.po men pradejo bloget jau pries pora sav kale 5000iu ant kart .savaite geri jautesi paskui vel batai.karoce soks ant trt vel


azuolyno bicas
Varžybų dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 3111
Atsiliepimai: 23

#2437 2014-06-06 23:12

Re: PCT Preparatai

Understanding PCT

PCT, what does it mean?
Post Cycle Therapy.

What does it do?
It returns your Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Testicular, Axis (HPTA) back to producing its own endogenous testosterone production.

How long does it last?
Good question but in my opinion the normal 21 to 30 days protocol is too short unless suppression of the HPTA is minor.

Ok, you produce about 7 mg of testosterone a day or around 49 mg a week on average, some more, some less (usually older guys).
So, you go on a cycle of lets say 500mg of testosterone a week or about 10 times your natural production. The body sees this as too much testosterone and will lower production of testosterone to try to maintain homeostasis (balance). The body loves homeostasis.
Testosterone in a man gets converted into two other hormones; one of those hormones is DHT (dihydrotestosterone) this is done by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductace. DHT is actually about 3-5 times more androgenic than testosterone.
The other hormone it gets converted to is estradiol (E2), this is a strong estrogen but from now on we will just refer to it as estrogen, even though there are 3 different kinds of estrogen. Testosterone gets converted into estrogen by another enzyme called aromatase. The conversion is called aromatization.

Ok, the body will convert more testosterone into estrogen probably to try and maintain homeostasis, so the more test, the more estrogen. For most this estrogen is not a problem. But for some it will be a problem and this extra estrogen can give side effects like gynecomastia (gyno) or water retention, but one big problem is estrogens suppressive effects on Luteinizing Hormone or (LH) LH is what the pituitary gland sends as a chemical hormone to the Leydig cells in the testicles where the testicles will product testosterone. Estrogen is probably 100-200 times as suppressive as testosterone.
So when LH production stops (exogenous testosterone will do this too) the testicles will stop producing and like anything not being used will atrophy.
What does this mean?
You will get some small balls, no kidding mine have been the size of almonds without the shell.

OK, so you come off a cycle, the exogenous testosterone is tapering down and after about a couple of weeks (this is the clearance time for testosterone cypionate and enanthate) you end up with low levels of testosterone as your endogenous production has long been stopped. Now here where the problem starts. You potentially have the testosterone of a woman, and high estrogen from all that aromatization.
This can be a recipe for disaster, why? Because men need test to feel normal and not only that hard earned muscle will be eaten up by being in a catabolic environment, not to mention there is still going to be some suppression because of elevated estrogen.
I have seen big strong men carry on like crying women in this state; it is very bad, sex drive is zero, no energy, emotional, insecure, the list is long.

So, what can you do?
First of all in my opinion bringing the nuts back online is very important, the most important. This is done with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
It basically is pregnant woman’s urine. HCG mimics LH and as we learned above that LH is the chemical hormone that stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. HCG is very strong and many times stronger than the amount of LH that the pituitary puts out.

The typical dose is anywhere around 350iu to as much as 2500iu and even in some cases more but I don’t recommend this. Best advice is to use as little as possible to achieve success at bringing the nuts back to life from their nice little vacation.
The half life of HCG is around 3 days or so, so Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) shots or Intramuscular Shots (IM) are done about Every Other Day (EOD or Every 3 Days (E3D).
If you use too much for too long desentization of the Leydig cells can happen and this is not good.
One other thing is HCG aromatizes pretty heavily. So an anti estrogen is always recommended if you shoot more than 500iu and even that if you are gyno prone would be a good idea to add an anti E.
HCG comes in tow bottles or vials and one is powder and the other is a solvent or bacteriostatic water, the water gets added to the powder and this is called reconstitution. Once HCG is mixed it must be refrigerated. In bacteriostatic water it will last around a month.

Now next we want to block the hypothalamus and pituitary gland from that excess estrogen as that in itself is suppressive.
How is this done? With a drug called Clomiphene citrate (clomid). This is really a drug to help women ovulate but it acts as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM).
It occupy’s the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary and blocks estrogens exertion on those glands. It’s like putting a key in a lock but not turning the key. It is just occupying that space without really doing anything.
Clomid in my opinion works better than another SERM that many people use called Nolvadex. Both pretty much do the same thing but together I have found to be far superior than using any of them by themselves.
Clomid is used to test the pituitary for secondary hypogonadism, clomid @ 100mg a day after 5 to 7 days will double LH responce and increase FSH by 20% to 50%, that is huge.
Both clomid and nolva are in pill form as well as liquid form.
What these do is block estrogen. The body sees this as it is low in testosterone and estrogens suppressive effects are not there as the receptors are blocked. So it see’s this as low testosterone and low estrogen so the body turns on the hypothalamus to produce Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which in turn tells the pituitary gland to produce LH and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). FSH is another hormone that stimulates the Sertoli cells in the testicles to produce sperm.

Ok, so lets put this all together.
There are a couple of ways you can do this.
First you can take HCG in small amounts during the cycle to maintain testicular function or you can take it after the cycle is finished to start your PCT.
Either way is fine but if the cycle is very long then long use of HCG can be a problem due to the possibility of desentization of the Leydig cells.
That’s pretty much the last thing you want to do as you want your own LH production to keep the testicles producing test.

So, what you can do is wait about 2 weeks for the testosterone to clear your system or be around base levels of normal producing test and start your HCG, clomid and nolvadex all at the same time.
You don’t have to worry about the aromatization issue because both clomid and nolvadex are anti-estrogens or act as anti-estrogens in the body.
By the way nolvadex is used in estrogen sensitive cancer tissues like in treating breast cancer.

I take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
I take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.
I take anywhere from 1000iu EOD to 2500 EOD for 8 shots (16 days).

So the HCG is taking care of the nuts and taking them off vacation and putting them back to work and the nolvadex and clomid will help the hypothalamus produce GnRH which will tell the pituitary to produce LH and FSH.
Once the testicles are producing test on their own you stop the administration of HCG and let the body take over, kind of like handing a baton when doing a relay race.

Depending on the type of gear, length of time on, amount of gear, all play in this factor of recovery, not to mention the genetic factors involved in shutdown.
I shutdown very hard and I notice atrophy in as little as 3 weeks.


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-08-13
Žinutės: 16
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2438 2014-06-08 21:42

Re: PCT Preparatai

1-9 sav Test Enanthate 250 mg/sav
10-12 sav Test Prop 100 mg EOD
13 sav Clomid 2 x 50 mg
14-15 sav Clomid 1 x 50 mg

PCT clomido uztenka?


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Dublin
Registravosi: 2013-09-29
Žinutės: 1061
Įspėjimai: 2
Atsiliepimai: 1

#2439 2014-06-08 22:48

Re: PCT Preparatai

azuolyno bicas rašė:

Understanding PCT

PCT, what does it mean?
Post Cycle Therapy.

What does it do?
It returns your Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Testicular, Axis (HPTA) back to producing its own endogenous testosterone production.

How long does it last?
Good question but in my opinion the normal 21 to 30 days protocol is too short unless suppression of the HPTA is minor.

Ok, you produce about 7 mg of testosterone a day or around 49 mg a week on average, some more, some less (usually older guys).
So, you go on a cycle of lets say 500mg of testosterone a week or about 10 times your natural production. The body sees this as too much testosterone and will lower production of testosterone to try to maintain homeostasis (balance). The body loves homeostasis.
Testosterone in a man gets converted into two other hormones; one of those hormones is DHT (dihydrotestosterone) this is done by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductace. DHT is actually about 3-5 times more androgenic than testosterone.
The other hormone it gets converted to is estradiol (E2), this is a strong estrogen but from now on we will just refer to it as estrogen, even though there are 3 different kinds of estrogen. Testosterone gets converted into estrogen by another enzyme called aromatase. The conversion is called aromatization.

Ok, the body will convert more testosterone into estrogen probably to try and maintain homeostasis, so the more test, the more estrogen. For most this estrogen is not a problem. But for some it will be a problem and this extra estrogen can give side effects like gynecomastia (gyno) or water retention, but one big problem is estrogens suppressive effects on Luteinizing Hormone or (LH) LH is what the pituitary gland sends as a chemical hormone to the Leydig cells in the testicles where the testicles will product testosterone. Estrogen is probably 100-200 times as suppressive as testosterone.
So when LH production stops (exogenous testosterone will do this too) the testicles will stop producing and like anything not being used will atrophy.
What does this mean?
You will get some small balls, no kidding mine have been the size of almonds without the shell.

OK, so you come off a cycle, the exogenous testosterone is tapering down and after about a couple of weeks (this is the clearance time for testosterone cypionate and enanthate) you end up with low levels of testosterone as your endogenous production has long been stopped. Now here where the problem starts. You potentially have the testosterone of a woman, and high estrogen from all that aromatization.
This can be a recipe for disaster, why? Because men need test to feel normal and not only that hard earned muscle will be eaten up by being in a catabolic environment, not to mention there is still going to be some suppression because of elevated estrogen.
I have seen big strong men carry on like crying women in this state; it is very bad, sex drive is zero, no energy, emotional, insecure, the list is long.

So, what can you do?
First of all in my opinion bringing the nuts back online is very important, the most important. This is done with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
It basically is pregnant woman’s urine. HCG mimics LH and as we learned above that LH is the chemical hormone that stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. HCG is very strong and many times stronger than the amount of LH that the pituitary puts out.

The typical dose is anywhere around 350iu to as much as 2500iu and even in some cases more but I don’t recommend this. Best advice is to use as little as possible to achieve success at bringing the nuts back to life from their nice little vacation.
The half life of HCG is around 3 days or so, so Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) shots or Intramuscular Shots (IM) are done about Every Other Day (EOD or Every 3 Days (E3D).
If you use too much for too long desentization of the Leydig cells can happen and this is not good.
One other thing is HCG aromatizes pretty heavily. So an anti estrogen is always recommended if you shoot more than 500iu and even that if you are gyno prone would be a good idea to add an anti E.
HCG comes in tow bottles or vials and one is powder and the other is a solvent or bacteriostatic water, the water gets added to the powder and this is called reconstitution. Once HCG is mixed it must be refrigerated. In bacteriostatic water it will last around a month.

Now next we want to block the hypothalamus and pituitary gland from that excess estrogen as that in itself is suppressive.
How is this done? With a drug called Clomiphene citrate (clomid). This is really a drug to help women ovulate but it acts as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM).
It occupy’s the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary and blocks estrogens exertion on those glands. It’s like putting a key in a lock but not turning the key. It is just occupying that space without really doing anything.
Clomid in my opinion works better than another SERM that many people use called Nolvadex. Both pretty much do the same thing but together I have found to be far superior than using any of them by themselves.
Clomid is used to test the pituitary for secondary hypogonadism, clomid @ 100mg a day after 5 to 7 days will double LH responce and increase FSH by 20% to 50%, that is huge.
Both clomid and nolva are in pill form as well as liquid form.
What these do is block estrogen. The body sees this as it is low in testosterone and estrogens suppressive effects are not there as the receptors are blocked. So it see’s this as low testosterone and low estrogen so the body turns on the hypothalamus to produce Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which in turn tells the pituitary gland to produce LH and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). FSH is another hormone that stimulates the Sertoli cells in the testicles to produce sperm.

Ok, so lets put this all together.
There are a couple of ways you can do this.
First you can take HCG in small amounts during the cycle to maintain testicular function or you can take it after the cycle is finished to start your PCT.
Either way is fine but if the cycle is very long then long use of HCG can be a problem due to the possibility of desentization of the Leydig cells.
That’s pretty much the last thing you want to do as you want your own LH production to keep the testicles producing test.

So, what you can do is wait about 2 weeks for the testosterone to clear your system or be around base levels of normal producing test and start your HCG, clomid and nolvadex all at the same time.
You don’t have to worry about the aromatization issue because both clomid and nolvadex are anti-estrogens or act as anti-estrogens in the body.
By the way nolvadex is used in estrogen sensitive cancer tissues like in treating breast cancer.

I take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
I take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.
I take anywhere from 1000iu EOD to 2500 EOD for 8 shots (16 days).

So the HCG is taking care of the nuts and taking them off vacation and putting them back to work and the nolvadex and clomid will help the hypothalamus produce GnRH which will tell the pituitary to produce LH and FSH.
Once the testicles are producing test on their own you stop the administration of HCG and let the body take over, kind of like handing a baton when doing a relay race.

Depending on the type of gear, length of time on, amount of gear, all play in this factor of recovery, not to mention the genetic factors involved in shutdown.
I shutdown very hard and I notice atrophy in as little as 3 weeks.

ačiū už straipsnį, labai suprantamai paaiškinta


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: UK
Registravosi: 2010-06-29
Žinutės: 5285
Atsiliepimai: 21

#2440 2014-06-09 08:38

Re: PCT Preparatai

widd1fuL rašė:

1-9 sav Test Enanthate 250 mg/sav
10-12 sav Test Prop 100 mg EOD
13 sav Clomid 2 x 50 mg
14-15 sav Clomid 1 x 50 mg

PCT clomido uztenka?

utiutiu utiutiu,kiek to pacio klausinesit? Paskaitykit pirmus PCT temos puslapius.Vien clomido neuzteks.

Paskutinį kartą taisė rolka78 (2014-06-09 08:39)


Naujas dalyvis
Vietovė: Tailandas
Registravosi: 2014-06-11
Žinutės: 25
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2441 2014-06-12 17:47

Re: PCT Preparatai

ar po tokio kaip androgel +hgh,reikia PCT?


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-16
Žinutės: 4833
Atsiliepimai: 30

#2442 2014-06-13 01:38

Re: PCT Preparatai

normaliai81 rašė:

ar po tokio kaip androgel +hgh,reikia PCT?

kazkur rasei kad testas nuo 500 pakiles iki 1600.tai logiska kad HPTA pablokuota bus.tai pabaiges savo tepala.kaip ir po paprasto kurso tamoxa ,chlomida menesiuka pavaryk.


Naujas dalyvis
Vietovė: Tailandas
Registravosi: 2014-06-11
Žinutės: 25
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2443 2014-06-13 04:44

Re: PCT Preparatai

NATURAL1978 rašė:

normaliai81 rašė:

ar po tokio kaip androgel +hgh,reikia PCT?

kazkur rasei kad testas nuo 500 pakiles iki 1600.tai logiska kad HPTA pablokuota bus.tai pabaiges savo tepala.kaip ir po paprasto kurso tamoxa ,chlomida menesiuka pavaryk.

aha.ten siaip 50 pokeliu,tai gaunas 7 sav,sakai daryt iskart po 7 savaiciu ta PCT ar dar galima patempti su tuo androgel?vis delto ne tiek daug ir uzkelia kaip kad leidziamas testas.kiti cia rase kad pas juos po 30ng/ml uzkyla kai ant testo sedi


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-16
Žinutės: 4833
Atsiliepimai: 30

#2444 2014-06-13 23:37

Re: PCT Preparatai

normaliai81 rašė:

NATURAL1978 rašė:

normaliai81 rašė:

po tokio kaip androgel +hgh,reikia PCT?

kazkur rasei kad testas nuo 500 pakiles iki 1600.tai logiska kad HPTA
pablokuota bus.tai pabaiges savo tepala.kaip ir po paprasto kurso tamoxa
,chlomida menesiuka pavaryk.

aha.ten siaip 50 pokeliu,tai gaunas 7 sav,sakai daryt iskart po 7
savaiciu ta PCT ar dar galima patempti su tuo androgel?vis delto ne tiek
daug ir uzkelia kaip kad leidziamas testas.kiti cia rase kad pas juos
po 30ng/ml uzkyla kai ant testo sedi

tu maisai cia vienetus.mol arba ng matuojasi tavo 1600ng yra tas pats kas 50 su biskiu kai max norma aiskiau.pas tave pakankamai aukstas as jau tau keliose temose atsakiau tai jei nesupranti tai nzn.jau kiti juokiasi is taves


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-16
Žinutės: 4833
Atsiliepimai: 30

#2445 2014-06-13 23:41

Re: PCT Preparatai

tas gelis kaip suprantu greito ir trumpo veikimo gelis tai kai jis pasibaigs kita d jau gali kalt tamoxa ir hlomida


Naujas dalyvis
Vietovė: Tailandas
Registravosi: 2014-06-11
Žinutės: 25
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2446 2014-06-14 05:21

Re: PCT Preparatai

NATURAL1978 rašė:

normaliai81 rašė:

NATURAL1978 rašė:

kazkur rasei kad testas nuo 500 pakiles iki 1600.tai logiska kad HPTA
pablokuota bus.tai pabaiges savo tepala.kaip ir po paprasto kurso tamoxa
,chlomida menesiuka pavaryk.

aha.ten siaip 50 pokeliu,tai gaunas 7 sav,sakai daryt iskart po 7
savaiciu ta PCT ar dar galima patempti su tuo androgel?vis delto ne tiek
daug ir uzkelia kaip kad leidziamas testas.kiti cia rase kad pas juos
po 30ng/ml uzkyla kai ant testo sedi

tu maisai cia vienetus.mol arba ng matuojasi tavo 1600ng yra tas pats kas 50 su biskiu kai max norma aiskiau.pas tave pakankamai aukstas as jau tau keliose temose atsakiau tai jei nesupranti tai nzn.jau kiti juokiasi is taves

Maciau kad juokiasi,yra cia ir tokiu tik tam ir susirinkusiu.Pries akis turiu savo rezultatu lapa,raso 16.6 ng/ml,pries tai buvo 5ng/ml,tai busiu blogai pavertes tada daugindamas is simto. Dabar aisku kodel juokiasi smile


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-16
Žinutės: 4833
Atsiliepimai: 30

#2447 2014-06-14 20:19

Re: PCT Preparatai

normaliai81 rašė:

NATURAL1978 rašė:

normaliai81 rašė:

aha.ten siaip 50 pokeliu,tai gaunas 7 sav,sakai daryt iskart po 7
savaiciu ta PCT ar dar galima patempti su tuo androgel?vis delto ne tiek
daug ir uzkelia kaip kad leidziamas testas.kiti cia rase kad pas juos
po 30ng/ml uzkyla kai ant testo sedi

tu maisai cia vienetus.mol arba ng matuojasi tavo 1600ng yra tas pats
kas 50 su biskiu kai max norma aiskiau.pas tave
pakankamai aukstas as jau tau keliose temose atsakiau tai jei
nesupranti tai nzn.jau kiti juokiasi is taves

Maciau kad juokiasi,yra cia ir tokiu tik tam ir susirinkusiu.Pries akis
turiu savo rezultatu lapa,raso 16.6 ng/ml,pries tai buvo 5ng/ml,tai
busiu blogai pavertes tada daugindamas is simto. Dabar aisku kodel
juokiasi smile

istikruju visiskai dzin tie venetai,ten tailande loboratorijoj tau sakae kad norma 3-10,o tavo buvo 5 o dabar 16.tai viskas ok pas sveika jauna vyra turi but 10 pagal ju liniuote nu tu pakelei auksciau.kaip ant 250mg i savaite leidziamo testo.karoce viskas ok ,taip ir laikyk.


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2014-06-17
Žinutės: 5
Atsiliepimai: 0

#2448 2014-06-17 15:07

Re: PCT Preparatai

Tinginys esu, skaičiau visą temą kadaise, ir pritingiu vėl iš naujo kapstytis ;D
Propas + fenilas 6 savaitės, pct: clomidas + tamoxas + olimp t-100 paimsiu, nepamenu kaip clomidą varyt? 50mg tabletės pas mane, aš galvojau 10 dienų laikyt 100mg po to 50mg (bus matyt pagal savijautą, gal ankščiau nudropinsiu). 4 savaičių užtekt turėtų atsigaut ?
Dar kartą atsiprašau už savo tingumą ;D


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2008-01-07
Žinutės: 5190
Atsiliepimai: 53

#2449 2014-06-17 15:10

Re: PCT Preparatai

Koks klausimas - toks ir atsakymas, skaityk praejusius puslapius:)


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#2450 2014-06-17 19:58

Re: PCT Preparatai

ka dar be bromo galima nusipirkti ltu prolaktinui nuimti? Pz nu jo kukuske vaziuoja



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