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#29776 2014-03-21 10:30

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2009-03-22
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Įspėjimai: 1
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#29777 2014-03-21 10:33

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis


Atkaklus dalyvis
Vietovė: uk
Registravosi: 2012-08-31
Žinutės: 114
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#29778 2014-03-21 11:37

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

pusseh rašė:

Ka pusryciam valgot? As jau gal koki menesi kas kart avizas ar panasaus kazka, nelabai gera..

blynus smile kiausiniai, proteino scoopas, liesas pienas, siek tiek saldiklio, bananas nykstys


Registravosi: 2014-02-12
Žinutės: 1867
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#29779 2014-03-21 11:47

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

O paprasti nelabai? big_smile pasikepciau is vakaro.


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#29780 2014-03-21 11:48

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Kaunas
Registravosi: 2011-09-26
Žinutės: 4392
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 9

#29781 2014-03-21 11:50

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Jonn rašė:


ir tu i tympkes i sokai? kaip su beach tapkemis sportuojasi?


Atkaklus dalyvis
Registravosi: 2011-10-15
Žinutės: 152
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#29782 2014-03-21 11:50

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis … vw/entries

Nepagailekit poros minuciu. Dekui.


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-05-08
Žinutės: 5718
Atsiliepimai: 17

#29783 2014-03-21 11:57

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Jonn rašė:


avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile


Registravosi: 2011-12-15
Žinutės: 12895
Atsiliepimai: 37

#29784 2014-03-21 12:05

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

athletic rašė:

Jonn rašė:


avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

sa tapkutem nu bbd...


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-05-08
Žinutės: 5718
Atsiliepimai: 17

#29785 2014-03-21 12:06

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Tai gal chest day, tai ir tegu koja kvepuoja


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2013-01-15
Žinutės: 3213
Įspėjimai: 2
Atsiliepimai: 12

#29786 2014-03-21 12:09

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Kam iš Vilniaus reikia BCAA, beveik nenaudota 500tab berods tai bus like apie 420.. Nieko aš nejaučiu nuo jų, nei kad atsistato greičiau nei dar kas, neveikia smile..


Registravosi: 2011-12-15
Žinutės: 12895
Atsiliepimai: 37

#29787 2014-03-21 12:11

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Ignas87 rašė:

Kam iš Vilniaus reikia BCAA, beveik nenaudota 500tab berods tai bus like apie 420.. Nieko aš nejaučiu nuo jų, nei kad atsistato greičiau nei dar kas, neveikia smile..

tapkiniui smeklai pasiulyk priglaus tikrai


Dažnas dalyvis
Vietovė: Orionas
Registravosi: 2008-03-23
Žinutės: 600
Atsiliepimai: 0

#29788 2014-03-21 12:42

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Pelesis rašė:

athletic rašė:

Jonn rašė:


avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

sa tapkutem nu bbd...

Ka as zinau, tokie veikejai tikrai sita sporta vercia gejisku big_smileD su tympom ir tapkem, dar bikini pamegintu big_smileD


Shadow line
Vietovė: Kaunas/Kopenas
Registravosi: 2013-05-11
Žinutės: 1144
Atsiliepimai: 1

#29789 2014-03-21 12:56

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

utiutiu utiutiu su tom tapkem..


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2013-09-08
Žinutės: 2227
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 9

#29790 2014-03-21 13:11

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Sų kokiais pratimais  ta vadinamaji "lasa" dauzot? pas mane nuo pritupkiu jo beveik nera


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-05-08
Žinutės: 5718
Atsiliepimai: 17

#29791 2014-03-21 13:58

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Bigger rašė:

Sų kokiais pratimais  ta vadinamaji "lasa" dauzot? pas mane nuo pritupkiu jo beveik nera

Heavy tiesimas
Leg press'a pabandyk dropsetint paskutiniajam priejime, oi dauzo gerai kojas:D

Paskutinį kartą taisė athletic (2014-03-21 13:58)


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2013-09-08
Žinutės: 2227
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 9

#29792 2014-03-21 14:01

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

athletic rašė:

Bigger rašė:

Sų kokiais pratimais  ta vadinamaji "lasa" dauzot? pas mane nuo pritupkiu jo beveik nera

Heavy tiesimas
Leg press'a pabandyk dropsetint paskutiniajam priejime, oi dauzo gerai kojas:D

Man kojas dauzo gerai ir po pritupkiu, bet kad labiau jas i sonus nesa, o koju vidus, tas lasas ir atsilieka, tai vat galvoju koncentruotis ties ta vieta dabar.


Registravosi: 2011-12-15
Žinutės: 12895
Atsiliepimai: 37

#29793 2014-03-21 14:01

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

athletic rašė:

Bigger rašė:

Sų kokiais pratimais  ta vadinamaji "lasa" dauzot? pas mane nuo pritupkiu jo beveik nera

Heavy tiesimas
Leg press'a pabandyk dropsetint paskutiniajam priejime, oi dauzo gerai kojas:D

Vastus Medialis
If squats are the mainstay of you leg training routine, and you want to increase the recruitment of the vastus medialis muscles, you have the choice of a) using a specific foot position b) overloading the bottom position.
The foot position that will maximize the recruitment of the vastus medialis will call upon placing the load on the arch of the foot.
This is best accomplished by using a narrow stance and elevating and moving forward the center of gravity of the body by using something to elevate the heels.
By doing more work in the bottom position, you will increase the recruitment of the vastus medialis muscle, since this muscle is responsible along with the hamstrings from getting you out of the bottom position. Knee injuries are fairly common in team sports, I suspect strongly that one of the major cause is the improper ratio of strength between all heads of the quadriceps and the hamstrings. This off-set ratio comes from all the poor range squats (coming from strength coaches obsessed with claiming big numbers for their squads) and many partial movements such as the hang power cleans.
When interested in developing the vastus medialis muscle, there are two techniques used by the Olympic athletes I coach that you may want to use:
Cyclist squats: Olympic level cyclists used that exercise to attain World Record performances in the track events. In this variation of the back squats, you want to use a board to rest your heels on in a narrow stance (4 to 6 inches between the heels). The best type of board for this is wedged, so to that the pressure on your feet arches is minimal. The higher the wedge, the more recruitment of the vastus medialis you will get. You will also find that you will squat more upright when using the wedged board, so less recruitment will occur in the gluteal muscles. As far as reps and sets are concerned, the German Volume method   applies particularly well to this exercise if you are truly motivated at hypertrophying this muscle.
One and a quarter squats: This one is used in training Olympic skiers to off-set their enormous development of the vastus lateralis muscles and prepare their knees for the risky situations they get into. Squat down for a 5 seconds count until you hit bottom position, come up a quarter of the way at a slow and deliberate pace, go back down  and come upuntil your knees are short of lock-out. That consists of one rep. Performing 4 -5 sets of 4-8 of the one and quarter reps will set your vastus medialis muscles to record growth
Give a fair try to each one of these variations for  six  different leg workouts. I am sure you will pleased with the results.

Paskutinį kartą taisė Pelesis (2014-03-21 14:03)


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2012-05-08
Žinutės: 5718
Atsiliepimai: 17

#29794 2014-03-21 14:12

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis


Atkaklus dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-04-26
Žinutės: 147
Atsiliepimai: 0

#29795 2014-03-21 14:15

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

athletic rašė:

kas per daina?


Dažnas senbūvis
Registravosi: 2010-12-02
Žinutės: 1809
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Atsiliepimai: 3

#29796 2014-03-21 14:19

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Pelesis rašė:

athletic rašė:

Jonn rašė:


avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

sa tapkutem nu bbd...

Kur cia kokai foto su tapkem, nieko utiutiu nerandu? butter


Registravosi: 2011-12-15
Žinutės: 12895
Atsiliepimai: 37

#29797 2014-03-21 14:21

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis


Pelesis rašė:

athletic rašė:

avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

sa tapkutem nu bbd...

Kur cia kokai foto su tapkem, nieko utiutiu nerandu? butter

jonelio avatara paziurek...


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2013-09-08
Žinutės: 2227
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 9

#29798 2014-03-21 14:23

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

Pelesis rašė:

athletic rašė:

Bigger rašė:

Sų kokiais pratimais  ta vadinamaji "lasa" dauzot? pas mane nuo pritupkiu jo beveik nera

Heavy tiesimas
Leg press'a pabandyk dropsetint paskutiniajam priejime, oi dauzo gerai kojas:D

Vastus Medialis
If squats are the mainstay of you leg training routine, and you want to increase the recruitment of the vastus medialis muscles, you have the choice of a) using a specific foot position b) overloading the bottom position.
The foot position that will maximize the recruitment of the vastus medialis will call upon placing the load on the arch of the foot.
This is best accomplished by using a narrow stance and elevating and moving forward the center of gravity of the body by using something to elevate the heels.
By doing more work in the bottom position, you will increase the recruitment of the vastus medialis muscle, since this muscle is responsible along with the hamstrings from getting you out of the bottom position. Knee injuries are fairly common in team sports, I suspect strongly that one of the major cause is the improper ratio of strength between all heads of the quadriceps and the hamstrings. This off-set ratio comes from all the poor range squats (coming from strength coaches obsessed with claiming big numbers for their squads) and many partial movements such as the hang power cleans.
When interested in developing the vastus medialis muscle, there are two techniques used by the Olympic athletes I coach that you may want to use:
Cyclist squats: Olympic level cyclists used that exercise to attain World Record performances in the track events. In this variation of the back squats, you want to use a board to rest your heels on in a narrow stance (4 to 6 inches between the heels). The best type of board for this is wedged, so to that the pressure on your feet arches is minimal. The higher the wedge, the more recruitment of the vastus medialis you will get. You will also find that you will squat more upright when using the wedged board, so less recruitment will occur in the gluteal muscles. As far as reps and sets are concerned, the German Volume method   applies particularly well to this exercise if you are truly motivated at hypertrophying this muscle.
One and a quarter squats: This one is used in training Olympic skiers to off-set their enormous development of the vastus lateralis muscles and prepare their knees for the risky situations they get into. Squat down for a 5 seconds count until you hit bottom position, come up a quarter of the way at a slow and deliberate pace, go back down  and come upuntil your knees are short of lock-out. That consists of one rep. Performing 4 -5 sets of 4-8 of the one and quarter reps will set your vastus medialis muscles to record growth
Give a fair try to each one of these variations for  six  different leg workouts. I am sure you will pleased with the results.

Kiba pedas issukt i vidu ir pakelt kulnus ? big_smile


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#29799 2014-03-21 14:24

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

DaugNORINTIS rašė:

Pelesis rašė:

athletic rašė:

avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

sa tapkutem nu bbd...

Ka as zinau, tokie veikejai tikrai sita sporta vercia gejisku big_smileD su tympom ir tapkem, dar bikini pamegintu big_smileD

Da man utiutiu ka tu manai.  Kaip man patogu taip sportuoju, kojas daryciau, tapkes nusiauciau ir basas sportuociau, kame beda utiutiu cia matote


Psichinis romantikas
Vietovė: Lithuania
Registravosi: 2013-03-02
Žinutės: 5106
Atsiliepimai: 6

#29800 2014-03-21 14:26

Re: Blevyzgos™ II dalis

athletic rašė:

Jonn rašė:


avataras nykstys ir katite lyg ir nebloga is galo big_smile

Ta katite nesveikai geraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stolt



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